Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Dagadu Gal

Rupali Dagade one more gem in my life :D She is our crazy little swthrt…. u cn talk 2 hr 4 hrs widout getting bored..she had got a unique character..i have got a chance 2 explore loads abt her..shez extremely caring & always der 4 u no mater wat..always der 2 bug u too..1 thng is quite comon wid her, tht she gets in2 all kinda trouble hehehehe..if u wnt 2 win hr hrt b der 4 hr 4vr especialy during her bad
Rupali Dagade

she sum1 wid whom u cld share al ur probs bt dnt except a solution..haha..she is big time confused!.. bindass charater!..especially her TaPoRi EnGlIsH!! i juz luv d way she talks!.. haha (KYA RE!!.. HOGAYA??..TU BOL RE.. so on.. lol)
she givz no shit 4 any goddam jerkz! she hatez ppl who don’t keep up thier promises excluding me! im lucky 2 hav her! shez a doll!..juz b d way u r!.. Love u…
Finally the secret I wanna share about her :P she loves sattu’s vada pav and Sunil’s chiki.

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